Beauty in the Basics

No one has ever gazed into the deep mysteries of our Milky Way galaxy on a clear winter night and asked how it applies to their life.

No one goes to the Louvre in Paris for pragmatic reasons.

No one listens to Mozart’s arias because they are useful.

We do these things because of one reason: beauty. Beauty is always applicable simply by its nature of captivating us; awakening our imaginations; stirring our souls; and reminding us very simply, that there is infinitely more to life than us. This is precisely why we are spending a number of Sundays exploring the basics of Christian theology – to have our hearts captivated by the simple and beautiful truths of who God is.

Walla Walla is in desperate need of this. Despite having many churches in our city, there is a glaringly apparent absence of knowing what it means to be Christian. It seems that many who claim to follow Jesus are tragically unfamiliar with the bible and doubt it’s authority and veracity.

It’s my prayer and hope that through this series we will gain a wonderful clarity about the person of God and what it actually means to be His people. I pray we would grow in confidence in our faith and a humble boldness in discussing it with others. I pray that Mission Church would be strengthened in the truth, rooted and established in the true love of God as he has revealed it through the Son, Jesus and confirmed it by the Holy Spirit.

Please make it a priority to be at our Sunday worship gatherings so we can all learn and grow together.